American Milking Devon Cattle
Devon Cattle came to America in 1623. Prized by farmers for their excellent ability to provide Labor, Milk and Beef in one relatively small, low maintenance animal. Beginning in the 19th century as beef and dairy production became more specialized Milking Devon fell out of favor until by 1970 there were fewer than 100 Devons left in the U.S.
Today Milking Devons, while still critically endangered, are on the rise!
Multi Species Rotational Grazing
Using Rotational Grazing we can constantly move our beef herd onto fresh clean grazing. We can then bring in our sheep flock, and follow with the chickens that are immune to species-specific cattle parasites to eat the remaining fodder thus cleaning the pastures and preparing them for our Cattle to return! Once the Sheep and Chickens have finished what fodder the Cattle left behind they move on to the next paddock that the Cattle occupied to repeat the process.